24 types of food


Many people tend to underestimate the importance of having a balanced diet. The lack of it accounts for agreat number of illnesses which simply strike without warning. The valuable nutrients can be a hazard for anyone. A healthy diet s a thing that anyone can choose to maintain in order to keep a good health. If thre is one major health issue that we can have control of nowadays, it cerainly is our diet. However, each person may have different needs when it comes to eating habit, depending on the licing atea, the genetic makeup, etc. A nothe issue is that people tend to categorize different food into "good" or "bad" foods. They think thetjust because a xertai food is good for something, abusing it will have good long term consuquences. That couldn't be further from the truth, as singel type of food will provoke the lack of vitral nutrients that the respective food doesm't have. So what is the secret then? How con we make up a healthe eating regime?